Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Oct. 13/2010

when midterms are rolling in, u know its the time for cramming information into your brain and not having a social life. but thank goodness at the end of it all, we get a break to just have fun and relax.

yesterday i went to watch the Chinese Acrobats in our school gym and let me tell was amazing! it would leave u completely speechless for the things they can do. its just such a surprise what those people can do with their bodies!! wayy too flexible to be a normal human body. but it was just simply awweesomee and it was completely packed because i COULD NOT breathe from being in there....way too crowded but was worth the suffication =p

not much has been going on since we are all busy with school and exams coming up. i went to the hair salon yesterday to get my hair done and i told that lady i wanted the brown and she said the color wont come out as much cause its dark and my hair is already dark so she gave me a blonde O_o haha dont worry, my hair didnt come out blonde but almost. the top part of my hair is pretty much...golden/blonde/brown and the whole part from my ears and down are dark brown but luckily today, after i showered, its not as light as yesterday so...its all good =) i actually like this light color but i wish it was all around and not just the top =/ apparently by ends are really hard to dye heh

im excited for this week cause my mother has sent me some winter clothing and i should be getting it on fri and my friend just sent me my contacts that arrived so i should be getting them soon too! =) oh how i miss those days with contacts...made my life so much easier haha im just not use to wearing glasses which is a weird thing because i've practically wore glasses my whole life up until last year but i feel more comfortable with contacts =S so instead of seeing me with blue eyes, you'd be seeing me with black one! =p

hey b, havent heard or talked to you lately....saw that u no longer have facebook? what's been going on? my calling doesnt work on my phone so i cant call you...but id love to hear from ya! text me or email me or whatever....just let me know that all is good and everything is okay...having me alittle worried here =/ miss ya!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


wow...can u believe its october already! time seems to fly by so fast nowadays...i mean next thing u know, ill be graduating from this university! haha mayb not that soon but....hopefully not that far from now! =S

the weather here is getting colder and colder now...and then it gets hotter and hotter....and colder and colder...the weather is bipolar here! >=l but it makes sense to get a little chilly here cause winter is coming! haha i heard it doesnt snow much fact, it doesnt snow at all. they said if u see snow...the city is never prepared with the roads and stuff cause it..JUST NEVER SNOWS!! what kind of place is starting to wonder about this area haha but i like it better here than being at home with parents and goin to univeristy there!

midterms are coming up in about 2 weeks O_o i think im doin okay in my classes EXCEPT music theory =/ still struggling in that class and barely making my way through....but ill make it...somehow....someway....somday....=p i thought university was so much more fun...atleast it seemed like it at the beginning! ....they tricked me >.>

alittle less than 2 weeks and its my bday! but im not all that excited this year...simply cause im not home to celebrate with my parents and close relatives and cause theres nothing to do here so....=/ but theres a break on my bday til mon so...thats somewhat of a celebration! i checked my mailbox yesterday and my parents sent me a card and present...but mainly for the reason cause i had some forms to fill out a.s.a.p so thats why it came so early. but the card brought me to tears and it just made me realize how important my mother is to me and how much i love her more and more everyday from being apart from her. IK HOUD VAN YOU MAMA =)

thanks for your "letter" b! it was definetly an "awwee" moment and you just made me realize how much u mean to me and im so glad that we met...although most people wouldn't approve that way haha but you're always there for me whenever im in need and u always find ways to put that smile on my face and i love you for that ^_^ i hope im as good as a friend as u are to me! im really really really really excited that we get to hang out over the nov break!! or atleast planning to! =) everyday, i look forward to talking to you cause you are just the one thing that makes my day complete and i dont know what i would do without yooouu! P.S there will be no naruto in that little house of ours! >=l

well, im off to convocation and then to lunch and then to boredom! haha today is going to be a free day....oh what to do!